
accelerating innovation

visual process support work method visuals
"..What emerges is always a simplification, but when chosen well, it provides people with an insight that was not there..""

visual process support

What it is

Strategic visualization offers extra support to a group process. Not so much through the end result (talk picture, illustration, infographic), but rather through the 'making together'.
Visual information is percieved with a different part of the brain than reading and writing; right versus left. In this way, forming an image together also works differently than writing text together, and can give a project a different perspective.


Visualization and Co-creation can also be found in the national KEM Strategy that we contributed to. KEMs are Key Enabling Methodologies; design-related working methods with which the creative sector can contribute to societal transition.
When to use

• In vision formation; recalibrating, experiencing or redrafting a vision
• In project definition or program start-up
• In retrieving and merging information from multiple parties
• In collaborations between parties


• you can formulate iteratively more clearly and sharply.
• it strengthens group cohesion and forms a jointly supported end result.
• in collaborations, the system can be better understood and experienced in co-design
• in co-design, powerful interventions and transition paths can be developed that set the system in motion.
We regularly use this method as policy support for the central government. We also use this method in innovation design.
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work method

Visual process support

1. Analysis of subject and process

Visual research, both content and process. Through input documents, conversation and observation.

2. Get started yourself (optional)

After a short drawing course, start drawing yourself or individual.
3. Okapi initieert visuals

Vaak zijn dit beelden waarvoor met meerdere mensen of partijen afstemming nodig is voor inzicht en cohesie.

4. Iterative interaction

Bringing people together and visually understanding the project creates a conversation from a different angle.
5. Ownership

During the process visual material for (internal) communication emerges. Images made and carried by the group create support.

6. External communication

Process images are often complex. For external communication, a visualization can be simplified and adapted to the corporate identity.


"..The aim is not to paint a better picture of he future, but to make better decisions about it.."

system visualization

process // overview // interrelationships

System visualization can provide insight to complex (innovative) systems and processes. Overview and interconnections allow you to better relate to the whole and to better identify problem areas and project boundairies.

Combining realism and abstraction creates engagement as realism allows for a more vivid and realistic impact.

Susutainable fuels, from "Aviation Innovation Strategy", Ministry of IenW


Impact of AI on mobility, Unit innovation in Mobility, Ministry of IenW


Datakoers DGWB, Ministry of IenW.


Fact sheet Bus Rapid Transit, Ministry of IenW.


Register Externe Veiligheidsrisico's, Ministry of IenW.

  • - click for more examples -


    Key players MaaS (Mobility as a Service), Ministry of IenW.


    Data collection open API platform, MaaS program.


    Work method Unit innovation in mobility, Ministry of IenW.


    Modality Strategy, Unit innovatie in Mobiliteit, Ministry of IenW.


    Post Corona Scenario - CROW

image logo

Less is more // impact // simplicity

In a core image, problem, outcome or project is traced back to the core of the story and captured in 1 image. When captured well, complexity would only distract. OR a sub-aspect of a project is highlighted.

The outcome is usually very suitable for external communication. The icon or face of a project. The style in which it is visualized (diagram, conceptual sketch or realistic photo editing) depends on the nature of the project and the project phase.

Prog. MaaS in late program phase, Ministry of IenW.


'Water en Bodem sturend', Ministry of IenW.


Digital VTH-Stelsel, IBP-VTH Pijler 3, National government.


Prog. MaaS in early program phase - "7 scalable national pilots", Ministry of IenW.


Upside-down approach mobility system, MaaS, Ministry of IenW.


front page "Mobiliteitsvisie 2050", Ministry of IenW.


from "Mobiliteitsvisie 2050", Ministry of IenW.

infographics & data visualization

graphics // charts

An abstract theme can create an impactful image through the combination with realism. We work with data and facts, but look from the visual experience of the viewer.

A complex playing field with multiple variables can also be captured in a single image.

from "Aviation Innovation Strategy", Ministry IenW



Unit Innovatie, Ministry IenW.


to 'het internet is stuk'-Marleen Stikker


Volwassenheidsniveau VTH-stelsel, IBP-VTH, National Government.


Besluit CO2, Ministry IenW.


MaaS en CO2 reductie, Ministry IenW.

Aspect illustration

sub-aspects // summarized // in short

To highlight and visualize an aspect or element, to give more attention to a specific aspect in a document or presentation. Or as an interim summary or breathing space in text. “In short”.

Visual information has more impact than text and you remember it for a longer time.

Using sustainable ICT - Ministry IenW


CO2 Reduction business mobility, Ministry IenW.


Energy management mobility HUB, Shell ReCharge.


Loorbach curve in mobility, Ministry IenW..


European Railway harmonisation, RVO.


from International Railway Harmonistation, RVO.


Data privacy when connecting MaaS service providers to the Learning Environment.


scenarios // persona's // roadmap

The future cannot be predicted, but it can be explored by scenarios for example. A user scenario helps to assess and communicate its consequences; to gain more insight in what could be coming our way and reflect on it. A journey or roadmap can also communicate a new approach.

We research, explore and create visual scenarios, customer journeys and roadmaps.

from Project history MaaS program, Ministry IenW


Roadmap data Register Exteral Safety, Ministry IenW


From the base presentation, Unit Innovation in Mobility, IenW.

Artist Impression

future // user context // realism

Some innovations require context or framework to be understood or to better involve and engage others. A sketched impression is more suitable when the idea and the future are further apart. Here suggestion, rather than precision, is important to leave room for interpretation. A realistic photo edit has a more definitive character and is better suited for the near future or in a later phase of a project.

Our artist impressions are shaped on technical and/or written documentation and interviews.

Fancraft® Flying Car and Air Ambulance - Urban Aeronautics /Metro Skyways.


> in commission of Urban Aeronautics /Metro Skyways.

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visual storytelling

animation and presentation

“pitch with impact”
We provide storyboards & animation, powerpoint presentations & templates and slide-docs.


storyboarding // management abstract

A storyline is the most ‘old’ and intuitive form of human communication, and lends itself to telling a complex story more easily. In a storyline you can combine multiple aspects into a whole, emphasize aspects, frame them or take a different perspective.
You can contact us for making a pitch, setting up storyboards or translating text to storyboard. The technical creation of the animation is done collaboration with one of our partners.

Storyboard for animation "European Railways", RVO


Animation still "MaaS; 7 landelijke pilots", I.c.w. Idee Aan Zee


Animation still "MaaS; international ticketing". I.c.w. VormVijf en Anton Mijs.

Screenshot Screenshot

Animation stills "European Railways" for RVO, i.c.w. VormVijf


projectposter // base presentation // pitch

From a pitch, in addition to animation, a project poster or 'base presentation' can also be formed. The latter can then be adapted for different situations, tailored to the audience and purpose of the presentation.

You can contact us for the distillation of a pitch or management abstract from a complex innovative project and translation thereof to a project poster or basic presentation.

Projectposter Nationaal Milieuprogramma (NMP), Ministry IenW

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Presentation slides, Prog. MaaS, Ministry IenW

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Presentation slides "Balanszoekers" - Unit Innovation in Mobility, Ministry IenW.

Screenshot Screenshot

"Base presentation" slides, Unit Innovation in Mobility, Ministry IenW. I.s.m. Tappan.